Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Making Connections

When I read the third assigned reading from "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat Moon I did not understand why the author spent so much time with Miz Alice's discriptions of her philosophies on life. But after considering what the author is going through I realized that there was a clear connection between the two.

Miz Alice explains that, "Education is thinking, and thinking is looking for yourself and seeing what's there, not what you got told was there. Then you put what you see together." And her philosophy about learning in that sense directly applies to what Least Heat Moon is doing himself.

He is on a journey to find himself in a way and not necessarily to just get away from his problems. He left his old life and is now traveling and just taking the world in and seeing it for himself. He is meeting new people and seeing new places and it seems as if that is what that is what Miz Alice would find great value in.


WWV (World Wide Viewer) said...

I do agree with your train of thought about Miz Alice's philosophies on life. I do think that Miz Alice has a good point of view about education. I do think that in order to learn more you have to go outside your boundaries and comfort zone. Learning alot in the classroom is different than learning outside the classroom. Getting hands on work with what is going on in the world around you is a great way to learn and then from all of your experiences you can put together a big collection of some wonderful knowledge.

Rochelle said...

I thought I would add to this after remembering a quote that adds to my discussion topic. Miz Alice says the "eyeballs" are all you need to put things together for yourself. And by Heat-Moon going out and meeting all of these new people and traveling to new places he is doing exactly what Miz Alice was talking about.

Oh, and I like the way you referred to what Heat-Moon is doing as hands-on-work. It just stresses the fact that without going out and doing things for yourself you are not even involved.