Monday, May 4, 2009
Last comment
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Oh, and this comment as well:
I made this comment on April 17, 2009 on CEC’s blog post titled: "Who Cares if Johnny Can't Read?"
I agree with what Andrew said. There seems to be a common theme in this course that people are just looking for convenience through technology. Our lives are becoming very fast paced. And as we have found out from previous readings it is changing our society and the way we do things.
It was surprising to me that Americans are in fact reading more now than they did fifty years ago. But I am sure people always wanted convenience so I am sure back then they were just watching TV. Online reading is easy and very beneficial in my opinion. So, I would have to disagree with MacFarquhar and say that any kind of reading is constructive.
Woops! I forgot to add this comment to my blog.
I made this comment on April 13, 2009 on CEC’s blog post titled: Is Bibliophobia a Social Disease?
Beyond belief's comment reminded me of something that was implemented at Elementary school that I had totally forgotten about. We had a designated time called DEAR (drop everything and read) in which we could bring a book or magazine from home of our choosing or get a book off the shelf in the classroom. I did hear some people talking about how they just pretended to read, but there were also many students who got so involved in their book that they would sneak peaks in during class trying to finish up a chapter or something that they were dying to know about. I personally think this was a great idea and I enjoyed DEAR time very much.
Another thing that came to my mind when I was reading this portion of Mark Bauerlein's book was from something that we had read earlier this semester about how kids are becoming too competitive academically by their own free will just to get ahead of everyone else. However, Baurlein mentions the fact that "...students know that reading skills determine their high-stakes test scores. But the retreat from books proceeds..." (47). I find this so odd that these two readings were saying completely opposite things about this generation.
Case structure for my next paper:
Reason: There is so much more value in reading classic novels with great plots and messages than reading poorly written material online.
Evidence: You are more likely to find grammatical errors and nonsense online. (Source: Motoko 2, 4, and 6)
Evidence: You gain more knowledge of vocabulary words used in the correct context in novels and become a stronger writer. (Source: personal experience)
Evidence: People who read more tend to do better academically. (Source: Bauerlein 51)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sleep- Eric Whitacre
I posted a comment on Britney Speare’s blog called “How to be an appropriate formal date”
Haha I loved this post! Breaking down those rules like that makes it seem so simple and actually as far as I am concerned it kind of is. Just don't embarrass us and be polite could have summed this up.
I am still dating my high school sweet heart of a little bit over two years that goes to the University of North Texas and from reading this story I feel really glad that I am not out on the dating scene in college. I am noticing that everything in high school seemed so much simpler. Which is weird because as we get older we're supposed to get more mature right?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Am I playing music or playing at music?
Something that has been on my mind recently is why am I here? I am at college trying to balance all of my schoolwork with 3 hours of practicing my instrument every day. I am starting to feel like playing my instrument is becoming more like a chore that I do not look forward to. Which is terrible right?! I used to just pick up my trumpet and play it when I wanted to because I wanted to. Which was actually quite often because I loved it and I loved getting better just doing my own thing. But now I have countess etude books to prepare every week at a lesson (sometimes not spaced out very well), material to prepare for master class every week, Orchestral repertoire to prepare to perform on my weekends, and not to mention the music that is expected to be perfect at rehearsals and concerts for Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Music. It is all too much!!
Now don’t get me wrong I do love performing and the feeling of making great quality music. However, all the time in between is rough sometimes and I never realized all that is demanded of a college trumpet player here at SMU. I would never want to give up my place here and I am very thankful for the fact that I successfully auditioned here. But lately I have had to remind myself a countless number of times that I love music and there are about 50 other kids that auditioned for the two spots here in the studio.
I am blessed... but stressed!!
I posted a comment on Thyrston's blog called “I’m lucky I know, but I wanna go home...” -Michael Buble:
I totally agree with this. I have only seen my family three times since I have been at college. Two were times that I actually got to go home and enjoy the comfort of my own house and one was when they came to visit me and listen to one of my Symphony Orchestra concerts. And I have talked to a few of my friends that are from the Dallas area and visit home almost every weekend. So there are definitely going to be different times in which we feel separation.
But I am on the same level with you. I hope that time for me does not come soon because I enjoy the small distance I have (from Houston, Texas) but I really do get homesick sometimes. It really does make you appreciate your family and home even more though doesn't it?
In Wellness today we had an assignment to share our spirituality with the class. We had to bring a phrase, poem, passage, verse, song or anything that has special spiritual meaning to us. It was really cool to hear everyone’s responses to this question, because it feels like you’re getting to know what drives them to live their lives the way that they do and what they think about each day. Not many people seem to know each other in my Wellness class or make an effort to socialize, but just hearing them tell the class what has spiritual meaning to them seemed to bring everyone closer. Standing in front of the class and sharing your inner most thoughts brings about a kind of vulnerability that people do not usually show. About half the class had nice bible verses, some that I hadn’t put half as much thought into as they did. A few actually stuck in my head, which was the best thing about this assignment because it made me see things in a new perspective. I hope that the verses that I brought in will stick with people because they are very uplifting and special to me. These were my versus:
Verse #1:
I Thessalonians 5:18 says, "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Verse #2:
Psalm 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”
These two verses have a similar message and in my opinion, as a faithful Christian, these are the two most spiritually inspirational things I have ever read. The first one was a caption to a painting that was in the dining room of my grandparent’s house. My grandfather on my dad’s side of the family was a preacher, and my grandmother and him passed away when I was twelve, but unknowingly left me with one of the most valuable lessons. I have no idea why I remember this verse to this day, but it always seems to come to mind exactly when I need it the most. It is not only a daily reminder of how thankful we should be for the things that we are blessed with in life that make us happy, but also those choices that God makes that are a bit more disguised. For example, something that is happening to us currently that may not feel like it is best for us now, but in reality, God is doing what is best for us in the long run and we should be thankful that we have him to look after us like that.
The next verse I found at a later time from a service called “The Daily Bible Verse”. And I have found countless versus that have helped me through some hard times, but I found this one to be most beneficial. It reminds me that having confidence in the Lord is a purposeful life decision. And replacing my emotional reactions to circumstances with the faith that I have in the Lord is one of the best ways to calm down and have a better outlook on life. Once you realize that if you are living your life for God, than he will take care of you, things become easier and your life feels as if it has more purpose and sustenance.
Another Comment
I posted a comment on Kee's blog called "Are We Really Stealing Music?" today:
I wrote a blog about this topic too and researched it a little bit. I found out that there are a few repercussions from our small choices we make everyday about obtaining free music. So I do feel against it, but I also forgot how much of an offender I am of what you were writing about. If I am riding in a car with a friend and they're playing a great CD I don't think hey I am going to go to the store and pay like $20, I just ask to borrow it and upload it onto my laptop or something. This was a good point that I never thought of and I am sure that many people do this and it really adds up. However, I really am not sure of the statistics and am really curious as to how big of a problem this really is.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Argument- Should music be free?
Almost everybody listens to music and has their own personal collection of what they listen to. Whether it is a physical collection of music (CDs, cassette tapes, etc.) or a device that it is all stored on (MP3 player, IPod, etc.) all of these listeners have made their choice of how they want to keep their music organized and also how they obtained their music. I am not sure if everyone else has put as much thought into this subject as I have, but I personally have done it all. I have purchased cassettes, CDs, an IPod, an MP3, I have downloaded music (legally now and also used Nabster for free before the complaints from the artists were highly publicized), I have also bought music from ITunes, I have created online Radio Stations and playlists, and much more. But the question has always been, should music be free?
I remember back when file sharing on websites such as Nabster were completely legal and I personally did not see anything wrong with it. And now that it is illegal I still know MANY people that still continue this trend. There are apparently severe consequences, but I do not know anyone who has suffered any. The people that continue to share files and burn CDS without paying for them argue things like: I should not have to spend money on something that I listen to, what if I spend $20 on some CD I do not even like, or what if I only like one song. However, there are many ways to get demos of songs and ITunes even has a feature that makes this possible. And I found out from doing a little bit of research in this topic that websites like LimeWire are completely legal. However, the purpose many people use it for is not. “Downloading copyrighted music, videos, or programs without the permission of the author is illegal. This is called copyright infringement or piracy.” So the government is not typically going to bust everyday people that just take a couple of songs for their iPod.
I am sure people do not think through and take into account what exactly would happen if all music were free and it were legal to download all music though. Would the artist still be successful at all, would there still be all the same music out there, and what about the CD manufacturing companies? Those are just a few problems with this idea of free music. But a writer from another source online did bring up the point that the companies are still making a profit from selling expensive tickets to shows and band merchandise. However, I still feel like we are cheating them in a way.
There is no way that the government can catch all of the offenders involved in this process of free music so theft of music will continue to be a problem and will continue to have some negative consequences. It is sort of like recycling, it would be perfect if everyone would help out, but that will never happen with our quick moving lifestyles of today.